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How Can I Manage My Menopause Symptoms?

Menopause is the natural change of life that women reach when they have not had a period for more than a year. However, sometimes the symptoms of menopause can start when the body is still transitioning into menopause, a time known as perimenopause. As such, it can mean the symptoms will last for quite a while, and as most women know, the symptoms associated with menopause are not easy to deal with.

This is why managing the symptoms of menopause is so important, rather than just waiting until they subside. Dr. Asia Mohsin and the rest of her team here at Progressive Women’s Health understand the difficulty of going through menopause as well as the best ways to deal with its symptoms, either with home remedies or through medical treatment. 

No matter what, you always deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin. These are among the common symptoms of menopause. 

1. Hot flashes

Hot flashes, or a feeling of extreme heat that usually concentrates in the upper body, can be extremely uncomfortable, especially at night or when you’re outside. According to the Office on Women’s Health, it can be helpful to consider the option of hormone therapy for the treatment of hot flashes. If you’re still having periods, you may want to choose birth control. If not, hormone replacement therapy might be a helpful choice.

If you’d prefer to avoid these options, drinking cold water and carrying a small fan around with you can be great ways to deal with the heat in small doses. It can also help to dress in layers so you can remove one or two if you need to, as can remembering to take deep, slow breaths. 

2. Vaginal dryness

It’s common for women to experience vaginal dryness as a symptom of menopause. Luckily, there are many medical and nonmedical treatment options for this issue, such as vaginal moisturizers and lubricants, and most of them are available over-the-counter. 

If you’re dealing with severe symptoms, you might want to talk to Dr. Mohsin about prescription options, like birth control, hormone replacement therapy, or estrogen creams. There is also an estrogen ring that can be inserted into the vagina.

3. Breast tenderness

Some women swear by over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like naproxen or ibuprofen to bring down inflammation and to reduce pain. However, taking NSAIDs consistently can have side effects, so certain supplements, like evening primrose oil or black currant oil, can also be helpful.

4. Depression or anxiety

Many women who have never had problems with depression or anxiety before may experience them now. Others may start to experience them for the first time during menopause. Some of the best ways you can deal with these issues is to exercise regularly, lower the amount of stress in your life, and minimize your alcohol intake. 

In addition, you can speak with a therapist about your feelings of depression or anxiety. This is especially important if you notice serious or worsening symptoms.

5. Changing sexual feelings and low sexual desire

It’s common for you to start feeling differently about sex or to even experience a low sex drive during or after menopause. Sometimes, this occurs as a result of the other symptoms of menopause, so try and think of why you’re feeling this way. 

Is it because you’re feeling overly anxious? Maybe you’re having trouble sleeping or you’ve been experiencing vaginal dryness? Whatever the case, it’s best to explore the reasoning behind your changing feelings about sex, to be open and honest with your partner, if you have one, and to consider the option of talking with a therapist about your experiences.

6. Sleep disturbances

You may have trouble sleeping during menopause because of night sweats or because your estrogen and progesterone levels are lower. You may also be getting up more often to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. 

Whatever the case, sleeping is fundamental to daily functioning, so try some at-home tips to help you sleep better, such as exercising regularly, limiting phone usage before bed, avoiding naps during the day, sleeping in a dark room, using a sleep mask, and drinking something warm before bed, such as herbal tea or warm milk.

More questions about menopausal symptoms?

There are other symptoms associated with menopause, as well as more remedies for those we’ve already discussed. 

If you’d like to learn more or request an appointment with Dr. Mohsin, call 281-993-4072. You can also request an appointment at our Friendswood, Texas, office today. 

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