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What Is Endometrial Ablation and Why Would I Need It?

Are you tired of struggling with chronically heavy menstrual bleeding? You’re not alone. Nearly 10 million American women have heavy periods with cramps and pain so severe it impacts their daily life.  

For many of these women, their heavy bleeding is due to a condition called endometriosis, which causes the lining of the uterus — called endometrial tissue — to grow in places outside of the womb, such as on ovaries or fallopian tubes. While different treatment options exist, minimally invasive endometrial ablation is the best option for some women. 

At Progressive Women’s Health in Friendswood, Texas, board-certified OB/GYN Asia Mohsin, MD, and our care team offer a comprehensive line of obstetric and gynecological services, including options for women suffering from heavy bleeding and endometriosis. 

Let’s take a closer look at endometrial ablation and the signs it might be the right treatment modality for you.  

What is endometrial ablation? 

Endometrial ablation is an in-office, minimally invasive procedure that’s primarily used to treat excessive menstrual bleeding. In short, this quick procedure destroys the lining of the uterus. Removing this endometrial tissue should reduce the flow of menstrual blood and give you normal periods again. 

The procedure

There are different methods for performing endometrial ablation. Some are performed while the patient rests under IV sedation, while others only require a local anesthetic. At Progressive Women’s Health, Dr. Mohsin uses NovaSure® endometrial ablation, which does not require general anesthesia. NovaSure is a safe, one-time nonhormonal procedure that takes only five minutes to complete.

First, Dr. Mohsin inserts a wand through your vaginal opening and into your uterus. Then Dr. Mohsin passes a mesh net through the wand and opens it so it fits the size and shape of your uterus. Then the system delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy through the netting and into your endometrial lining for about 90 seconds, destroying the lining of your uterus.

Following the procedure

Then Dr. Mohsin removes the wand and net. You may experience some bleeding following your procedure due to the destruction of the lining. You may also experience some mild pain, cramping, or nausea following the procedure, but most of our patients feel like themselves again within a day or two. 

Since NovaSure ablation isn’t surgery, you don’t have to worry about incisions, sutures, or long recovery times. However, it can take your body up to three months to heal, after which you can expect your periods to resume. 

Why might I need endometrial ablation?

The only way to know if NovaSure endometrial ablation is the right treatment for you is by meeting with Dr. Mohsin at Progressive Women’s Health. First, Dr. Mohsin evaluates your symptoms, medical history, and any previous treatments. Then she customizes a treatment plan to meet your needs.

Not all women are candidates for endometrial ablation. Generally speaking, you might elect to have this minimally invasive procedure if:

One thing to keep in mind is that during endometrial ablation, the lining of the uterus — which is essential to carrying a baby —  is destroyed. As such, it’s important to understand that while it’s possible to become pregnant after endometrial ablation, the procedure is not right if you’re planning to have children in the future. 

Do you suffer from excessive menstrual bleeding? Endometrial ablation may be able to help you. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Progressive Women’s Health today. We also offer telehealth visits.

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